Departments » Energy processing and oil and gas services


The Department of Energy Processing and Oil and Gas Services was founded on the basis of the Department of Physical and Analytical Chemistry, which was established in 1996. The department trains specialists in the specialties "Chemical technology of natural energy carriers and carbon-containing materials", "Processing and use of oil deposits" and "Oil and gas processing" and general professional disciplines "Physical chemistry", "Analytical chemistry", "Colloid chemistry", "Physico-chemical methods of analysis", "Methods of research and analysis of substances", "Laboratory work technique", "Chemistry of oil and gas", "Processes and apparatuses of energy processing technology", "Organic chemistry and basics of petrochemistry", "Automation of processes processing of energy carriers”, “Control system for oil and natural gas processing processes”, “Control devices and automation of thermal processes”, etc.

From 1998 to 2008, the head of the department was Ph.D., associate professor Kamolov Goib. During the leadership of Associate Professor G. Kamolov, a lot of work has been done. One of the goals was to attract and hire experienced teachers. A source of pride is that during the reign of G. Kamolov until 2003, well-known teachers and scientists of the Republic worked at the department, such as Yusupov Z.N., Isoboev M.Zh., Kukaniyev M., Mansurov M.M. Kamolov G. paid special attention to the training of talented and young personnel and believed that youth is the creative force of the future society. With this in mind, in 2004, young teachers of the Tajik National University Ibrokhimov D.E., Zukhurova M.A. and Zumratova A.Kh. became faculty members. These young teachers contributed to the development of the department. At the initiative of Ibrohimzoda D.E. in 2005, the "Student Scientific Society" was created at the department. Achievements on this topic are published in more than 20 scientific articles, abstracts and patents for inventions.

In 2005, the department organized the specialty 480103 - "Technology of natural energy sources and carbonaceous materials", associated with the direction 6550 - "Technology of organic substances", the department was recognized as the department of the specialty.

In 2008, the head of the department Ibrohimzoda D.E. was chosen. The creation of a new specialty led to a change in the scientific subject of the department. Since 2005, the department has been working in the direction of "Research of natural compounds, the development of useful technologies for the production of biofuels and the study of the chemical composition of the coal resources of Tajikistan."

In connection with the need for production at the transport faculty, by order of the then rector of the university, Professor Odinazod H.O. in 2018 (Order No. 45-3/2 dated 08/29/2018) the Department of Energy Processing and Oil and Gas Service was established. At the same time, the acting head of the department, candidate of technical sciences, was appointed associate professor Ibrohimzoda D.E. Then Ibragimzoda D.E. was elected head of the department. On the basis of the department, students are trained in the specialty 480103 - "Chemical technology of natural energy sources and carbonaceous materials" and 510202 - "Development and operation of oil and gas fields." The department has 2 educational laboratories. Ibragimzoda D.E. worked in this position until September 2021.

For three years of activity, two teachers of the department (Ibrohimzoda D.E. and Gulakhmadov Kh.Sh.) defended their doctoral dissertations and two teachers of the department (Makhmudova T.M. and Palanovov K.M.) defended their candidate dissertations. Currently acting the head of the department is Ph.D. Associate Professor Mahmudova T.M.

The number of specialties of the department - 3:

  • 1-480103 - Chemical technology of natural energy sources and carbonaceous materials;
  • 1-510202 - Development and operation of oil and gas fields;
  • 1-480135 - Oil and gas processing;

 The department has 2 laboratories:

  1. Chemistry and technology of natural compounds;
  2. Physical and analytical chemistry

 The educational process is provided by 8 teachers, including 2 doctors, 4 candidates of science and 2 assistants.


The department cooperates with the departments of "Organic Chemistry" and "Biochemistry" of the Tajik National University, Research Institute at the Tajik National University; Faculty of Chemistry of the Tajik Agrarian University named after Sh. Shokhtemur; Department of Organic and Biological Chemistry of the Tajik Pedagogical University named after S. Aini.


