Sadriddinov Mahmadi Mahmudovich - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department.
The number of full-time teachers of the chair are 15 people, including: candidates 10 people. The staff of the chair tries to deeply honor, preserve and develop the scientific, methodological and pedagogical traditions of the chair.
Teaching staff of the chair:
Surname, name and patronymic |
Academic title, academic degree |
Tel. number. |
1. |
Sadriddinov M.M. |
с.ph-m.s., doсent |
987445151 |
2. |
Gadozoda M. |
с.ph-m.s., doсent |
988437175 |
3. |
Hafizov H.M. |
с.ph-m.s., doсent |
908883030 |
4. |
Khorazmshoev S.S. |
с.ph-m.s., p.d. doсent |
935357973 |
5. |
Nusayriev M.A. |
с.ph-m.s., p.d doсent |
965038180 |
6. |
Zaripov S.B. |
с.ph-m.s., senior lecturer |
935730909 |
7. |
Kodirov O.K. |
с.ph-m.s., assistant |
934105766 |
8. |
Rustambekova U.R. |
с.ph-m.s., senior lecturer |
931952775 |
9. |
Iqbolov S.I. |
с.ph-m.s., senior lecturer |
985363574 |
10. |
Yaqubov N.S. |
с.ph-m.s., senior lecturer |
933662211 |
11. |
Saidov Sh.A. |
senior lecturer |
904615878 |
12. |
Mirzoev Dg.M. |
senior lecturer |
937118062 |
13. |
Jabborov M.A. |
assistant | |
918534678 |
14. |
Gaybullaev B.H. |
assistant |
918879792 |
15. |
Bahtovari U. |
assistant |
907932693 |
16. |
Abdusalomzoda H. |
assistant |
917074077 |
Internal part-time worker |
17. |
Hudododov D.U. |
senior lecturer |
919412345 |
External part- time worker |
18. |
Samarov Sh.Sh. |
с.ph-m.s., doсent |
918672836 |
Achievements of the chair: 7 scientific dissertations have been defended at the chair for 5 years, 3 monographs have been written, hundreds of articles have been written and other educational materials have been presented. Teachers and students of the chair actively participate in оlympiads and competitions. The chair conducts research on the following topics and areas:Qualitative theory of differential equations. Sadriddinov M.M., Nusayrev M., Rustambekova U. and Yakubov N. are conducting scientific research in this direction. The particle method for kinetic particles and the analytical method for constructing nomograms. Gadozoda M., Hafizov H., Kodirov O. Study of systems of differential equations and integral equations with singular coefficients. Saidov Sh., Zaripov S., Iqbolov S., Gaibulloev B., Bakhtovari U., Abdusalomzoda Kh, and others are conducting scientific research in this direction.
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Participants of the Olympiad for the Cup ofthe Academy Sciences the Republic ofTajikistan in the 2020 – 2021 academic year |
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Participants of the Olympiad for the Cup of the Academy Sciences ofthe Republic of Tajikistan in the2020-2021 academic year |
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The winner of the 3rd round of the InternationalOlympiad Aimatov Ehson in the 2020-2021academic year. |
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Theoretical lesson in higher mathematics. Lecturer, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Lecturer Rustambekova Umeda Rustambekovna |
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Theoretical lesson in higher mathematics, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Associate Professor, Nusayriyev Mastibek Aliyorbekovich |
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Open lesson “Analytic geometry on the plane. Direct Line” speech by Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Associate Professor Khafizov H.M. |
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A practical lesson in higher mathematics. Lecturer, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Lecturer Iqbolov Saimuhammad Ibragimovich |
The main objectives of the subject "Higher Mathematics" at the Tajik Technical University are:- development and improvement of students' intellectual abilities in mathematics; - formation of a mathematical apparatus for solving scientific and practical problems in future professional activities; - preparing students for independent expansion of mathematical knowledge; - independently study mathematical literature and use it to solve scientific and practical problems; - to develop the personal qualities of a student, to solve scientific and practical problems; - development of analytical and intellectual abilities, etc. In connection with the opening in 1956 of the first technical university of Tajikistan in Dushanbe, specialists were invited, including teachers of mathematics U.Kh. Kamarov, from Leningrad, V.A. Elmanov, P.V. senior lecturers and assistant of the newly created the chair of higher mathematics. By order of the rector M. S. Osimi dated 12/14/1956, U. Kh. Kamarov was appointed head of the Chair of Higher Mathematics. The chair is university-wide, and its teachers conduct classes in mathematics in all specialties of the university faculties in the state and Russian languages. The curriculum of this subject, depending on the specifics of individual specialties, is taught at different faculties for a duration of two to three semesters.Depending on the various specialties, theoretical and practical classes in mathematics are conducted in the following areas:1. Algebra and geometry;2. Computational mathematics;3. Mathematical analysis;4. Discrete math;5. Higher mathematics6. Probability theory and mathematical statistics The chair has close ties with other leading chairs of the university. Teachers of the chair theoretical and practical classes in three areas: traditional, online, offline for distance learning. To conduct practical classes at the chair, there is enough educational literature, educational and methodological manuals, as well as electronic forms of educational materials that are available both in electronic libraries and at the chair.
Address: Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies, The Chair of hair mathematics, 734000, Dushanbe, st. Hayoti -Nav, the building of the faculty “Construction and architecture”, 3th floor, room. 316, phone, 987445151; e-mail: